Sunday, January 4, 2015

Maybe Later - a Lazy Black Leopard by Cindy Revell

Maybe Later, Oil on Canvas 30x36
Normally I like to use a lot of bright colour but this lazy leopard needed to shine on his own and a limited palette seemed the best way to do that. This was painted at a time when I was anything but lazy - but sure did want to be! Available at the Daffodil Gallery.

Sunday, July 7, 2013


This is the view from the rolling highway on the way to my lake cottage.  Most of the older wooden grain elevators have disappeared around the farms.  These newer structures stand straight and tall in the middle of the worst storms.  The setting sun made them glow upon the horizon.
This is another oil on maple panel painting.  It's a small work that only measures 5x7 inches. Perhaps the next time I will paint these standing sentries on a larger scale.  As long as the hail holds off!

New Work from Michelle C. Ross


These little beauties are on their way to Australia as a wedding present for my dear Friend Darrel and his amazing Fiancé Claire.  Shush, don't tell, it's a surprise.  I leave on Saturday and the winter scene I've been working on is still too wet to pack.  This painting is 5x7 on a maple panel.  I don't mind tucking it into a carry on bag.  I'm sure the larger winter canvas painting would not do half as well in my suitcase!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

30 Paintings in 30 Days

This is one of the paintings on display at Riverbend Library until March 30th. It was done in a series of 30 paintings in 30 days in January. My focus was in adding figures to my landscapes and snow in the hopes that it would endear me to it. The collage was produced at the end of the project in software Leslie Saeta introduced us to called Picmonkey. Two of this series will be showing in the Transitions show at the Federation Gallery next month in Vancouver.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

It's been a long winter and this plein air artist has been finding it difficult getting inspired to paint. I decided to have some fun painting small, quick studies of children. You will notice they're all summer themes:)

This painting resulted from the study below.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

These new paintings will be on display at the Riverbend Library in March 2013.

After a trip to Toronto where I met up with a few of my old friends from CBC and the film program at Ryerson, I painted these scenes at our house at the lake, En Plain air.  We talked late into the night about film, philosophy and art.  I was so encouraged by their enthusiasm about my new " life in art"  that I whipped off these paintings after a tumultuous summer storm.  It just goes to show you how important old friends are and how crucial mental stimulation is to one's artistic endeavours.

Oil on Maple Panel
8" x 10"

Oil on Maple Panel
8" x 10"

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Beautiful Smoke!

It's been a very hazy, smokey place here the last few days so this asthmatic took full advantage of the situation. The world becomes truely magical, enjoy.